


Lenze is a world-known manufacturer with a rich product portfolio and experience on the market. Founded in 1947, Lenze has been providing reliable, simple and highly efficient products which are used in many industry sectors. In the beginning, the company introduced a variety of mechanical drive technology solutions. But the team of innovators and hard workers in Lenze wanted to come up with solutions that can handle more extensive tasks in a shorter time period. So, in 1951, the Simplabelt gearboxes were added into the product line of Lenze, and they quickly became very popular around the world.10 years later, the company expanded its production by adding a new manufacturing plant.

In the 1970s, Lenze started the production of the first frequency inverter for the control of 3-phase AC motors. The name Lenze slowly became one of the most recognizable brands in the world. In 1987, the frequency inverters from Lenze were equipped with microprocessors, which was a big success. The biggest success of Lenze was the introduction of the intelligent drive systems. Later, a drive technology company, which was called AC Technology Corporation, was included into the Lenze group. In 2004, Lenze started the production of the iconic L-force as a continuous platform for drive and automation technology. Today, Lenze is one of the leading companies on the market for drive solutions, complete automation systems, engineering services and tools.


speed variator

Lenze has earned a world-wide reputation as one of the biggest producers for simple motion engineering solutions, simple speed variator, control systems, and drive shafts. The L-force product range from Lenze has been expanded significantly over the years, but all products are well sorted in three lines: Base Line, State Line and High Line. Lenze allows its users to find out easily which product is the best solution for their job requirements. Despite being in tune with the latest developments, the products from Lenze are highly durable, reliable and easy to handle. For optimal performance, each product from Lenze is tested in laboratory conditions. Here are some of the most popular products from Lenze:

DISCO Planetary Speed Variator – The DISCO planetary speed variator is definitely the most popular product from Lenze. This robust mechanical variable speed drive is a perfect choice for all speed control applications. With a speed setting range of 1:6, Lenze’s speed variator can be easily adjusted for any application. The most common areas where this speed variator is heavily used are transport, logistics, materials handling, installation, packaging, and woodworking industry.

Lenze Smart Motor – The smart motor from Lenze eliminates the need for using multiple motors, as it can be used for many applications. It is perfect for engineers who want to reduce the number of drives by up to 70%. Featured with a starter and contactor, the fixed speeds of the motor can be adjusted by the operator, and it features a lot of integrated functions for material handling applications. The energy efficient Lenze smart motor can be even operated with a smart phone by using special Lenze application.

Inverters (control cabinet) – Lenze offers 13 models of inverters for control cabinet installation. These inverters are designed for maximum protection and they are easy to install.The Lenze inverters for control cabinet instillation are usually installed one after another in order to provide more available space, and they can be installed in different environments.

Gearboxes – In its product range, Lenze includes two types of gearboxes: axial gearboxes and right angle gearboxes. Thanks to to their high-power density and modular design, these gearboxes can be used for a wide range of industrial applications.

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A combination of drive-based, controller-based and motion centric automation? Lenze has combined all that in a quite efficient way, check out:


Here’s how the DISCO Planetary Speed Variator looks:

Retailers & On-Line Stores

FCR Motion Technology

Unit 6, Automation Place

38 – 40 Little Boundary Rd.


+61 3 9326 6800


Interesting Facts

  • In 2006, Lenze integrated a safe technology into its drives for the first time;
  • This German company started to expand its marketing network on a global level in 1969.

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